Thursday, August 2, 2007

I think I just threw out my hip!

Or at least that's what I recently overheard a senior citizen say when I lapped her while at the mall. Why am I the only person under 75 there? Where are all the other moms and their strollers? Are they at a secret location and I've been left off the guest list? Are they at a swanky fitness center and I can't afford the dues? (Is the Y considered swanky?) Sure the mall is air conditioned, opened early for walkers, and music is piped throughout, but have you ever tried to work up a sweat to: (singing) Cupid draw back your bow ow, and let your arrow go o, into my lovers heart for me eee. And don't get me started on the lady that comes in early to bake the chocolate chip cookies for the shop in the food court. That's just wrong.


Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...
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Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

Just pack some geritol and study up on how to play Bridge. Is there anything wrong with being the youngest and hippest gal in your circle o' friends?

(guess "hippest" is a bad choice of words considering the title of your post)

Anonymous said...

Wow, how blest you are to be surrounded by so much wisdom. Now, for the person baking the cookies...either take her out or run for your like!!!

Diana Victoria said...

What's wrong with walking outside? Sweat does the body good...and it may actually help shed another LB or TWO